In line with its efforts to support local authorities in maintaining basic services within the current crisis context and with the generous financial support of the European Union, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), in partnership with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM) and the Urban Community Al-Fayhaa, inaugurated the newly rehabilitated fire brigade building. This is an important step toward enhancing community safety for over 450,000 residents across the four cities of the union, including Tripoli, Al-Mina, Al-Beddawi, and Qalamoun.

As first-line responders, the men and women of the fire brigade play a crucial role in ensuring public safety of Al-Fayhaa residents. In 2021 alone, the fire brigade conducted nearly 1,200 missions, averaging 97 per month, responding to fires, conducting rescue operations and providing transportation to hospitals for patients. However, the work of the fire brigade was severely limited due to a crumbling building, inadequate equipment and obsolete vehicles. In response, the Urban Community Al-Fayhaa proposed a comprehensive project to strengthen the fire brigade, including the rehabilitation of the building, procurement of vehicles and essential equipment, training and capacity building for fire brigade staff and the implementation of a pilot project to enhance public safety in the area.

As a first key milestone, the renovation of the fire brigade building was recently completed. The works included fixing water leakages and addressing related damages, installing proper plumbing and electrical networks and installing a solar system on the roof to ensure the continued operations. In addition, the building now boasts fully equipped rooms, complete with electrical appliances, cabinets, beds, mattresses and a renovated burn treatment room. 48 firefighters underwent specialized training in first aid and advanced firefighting techniques, and on mapping and inspection of buildings in four selected pilot areas to enhance at later stages public safety in the four cities members of the union. Further training on firefighting techniques for civil defense personnel is scheduled for July 2023, benefiting 15 first responders.

Later this year, the fire brigade will receive crucial equipment and vehicles to strengthen response capabilities during fire incidents and rescue operations across the four cities of the union. This includes firefighting trucks, escape ladders, portable road safety barriers, fire extinguishers, uniforms and sporting equipment.

“I am here with you to inaugurate the Fire Brigade building, which is a developmental project. Although this project focuses on the material, we assure you that we will focus more on the people by supporting the Fire Brigade personnel any way we can,” said H.E. Judge Bassam Mawlawi, Minister of Interior and Municipalities representing the Prime Minister.

“The new center is more than just a building, it is a haven where firefighters can gather, train and prepare for the upcoming challenges. This center will serve as a hub of knowledge and a place to enhance skills and competences since it provides firefighters with state-of-the-art facilities, advanced equipment, and innovative training programs, ensuring that they have the necessary resources to perform their duties with the utmost professionalism,” said Mr. Hassan Ghomrawi, Head of Urban Community Al-Fayhaa and Mayor of Beddawi Municipality.

“Firefighters are on the frontline during emergencies and crises putting their lives at risk to save others. This project has fully rehabilitated and supported the Urban Community Al-Fayhaa Fire Brigade with the training, tools, equipment, services and improved living conditions the firefighters need to protect their community from fires and emergencies. This project is essential to strengthening the fire brigade’s capacity to respond to fire incidents and rescue operations in the four cities of the union that are home to over 450,000 residents. It will help to protect the lives and property of the residents of Al-Fayhaa and the surrounding areas while contributing to enhancing the resilience of cities in Lebanon,” said Taina Christiansen, Head of UN-Habitat Lebanon.

“Through MERP and other bilateral projects, the EU supports good governance, resilience and accountable local authorities and their host/refugee populations through an emphasis on capacity development for holistic, area-based planning, service delivery and local socio-economic development. We also provide indirect support to municipalities through water/waste water programmes, education, health, social response or environment sector support,” said Alessia Squarcella, Deputy Head of Cooperation, Team Leader – Economy, Green Deal and Local Development, the European Union Delegation to Lebanon.

The rehabilitation of the fire brigade department falls under the Municipal Empowerment and Resilience Project (MERP), a joint initiative between UNDP and UN-Habitat, generously funded by the European Union (EU) through its Madad fund.

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