Caretaker Prime Minister Nagib Mikati met with UNIFIL Commander Major General Aroldo Lázaro on Monday, July 10, in Ain el-Tineh, in the presence of the caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdallah Bou Habib at the Grand Serail.

After the meeting, Bou Habib announced that they had discussed the situation in the South, and added that “they relayed to us the Israelis’ request to remove the tent, so we responded by demanding they retrieve it from the North of Ghajar which is considered Lebanese territory. We have registered 18 border violations by the Israelis.”

Regarding Resolution 1701 and the renewal of UNIFIL’s mandate, Bou Habib said “The UN Secretary-General’s report will be examined on 20 July, and the UNIFIL’s mandate will be renewed in the last week of August.”

He went on to say that “the caretaker prime minister has already informed them that he will send a Lebanese delegation to New York.”

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