A 19-year-old student was injured by a stray bullet during a ceremony marking the end of the academic year at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture at the Lebanese University, in Furn el Chebbak. The bullet hit him in the shoulder.

In a press release, the Kataëb student section of the UL stated on Wednesday that the Lebanese Red Cross took the young man to the military hospital, where he was treated.

They also stated that gunfire was heard a few minutes before the ceremony started.

The Kataëb student section condemned “the terror sown by illegal weapons, proving the existence of two classes of citizens, those who consider themselves above the law and those, second class, who are not protected by the laws they respect.”

The student section of the Lebanese Forces also condemned the incident: “How long will our young people be the victims of those who seek to undermine the authority of the State?”

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