Two hours, twenty-two minutes and forty-eight seconds to make his entry in the Guinness Book of Records… That’s the time it took Lebanese sportsman Khalil Badawi to cover the fastest 100 kilometers on a motosurf, in the area of the Mseilha dam in Batroun, on May 12th. The Guinness Book of Records recently awarded Khalil Badawi a diploma, after having verified and formalized this benchmark time.

The event was organized by Khalil Badawi in collaboration with the Beirut Yacht Club, under the supervision of the Lebanese Motonautical Federation. After several attempts, Badawi finally registered his record on the fifth attempt. This new benchmark time, the only one to date registered in Lebanon’s name in extreme sports, puts the country on the world map of this highly popular sporting category – particularly among young people.

Motosurfing is a new discipline which is enjoying dazzling success worldwide, with several federations having been set up. As suggested by its name, this sport is practiced on a motorized surfboard (gas or electric). Created in the Czech Republic in 2012, it has been officially recognized by the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) since 2019. The UIM oversees the international championships of the discipline, which includes various local and global competitions (a World Cup, world championships and the Motosurf Games introduced in 2021).

It should be noted that the Beirut Yacht Club and the Lebanese Motonautical Federation will officially register this Lebanese record with the UIM to preserve its rights.

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