The discovery of a cocaine bag in the White House on Wednesday July 5 has created a huge controversy among American politics. While Republicans overplayed the discovery against President Joe Biden, White House staff tried their best to quench the flames.

Cocaine discovered at the White House was left in an area frequently used by visitors on tours — and not while President Joe Biden and his family were on the premises, officials said Wednesday.

The White House sought to get the highly unusual story under control as details emerged of the drug’s discovery Sunday in one of the most carefully guarded buildings in the world.

On Wednesday, the US Secret Service, which protects the presidential mansion, announced it “just confirmed that substance found was cocaine and our investigation is ongoing.”

The cocaine revelation immediately sparked unsubstantiated speculation in right-wing circles that the recovering drug user was somehow responsible.

Trump himself jumped on the bandwagon Wednesday with a typically rambling, insult-laden message that included: “Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden?”

In an attempt to put an end to the gossip, the White House made clear that circumstantial evidence, at least, points to a visitor being responsible, not anyone connected to the Bidens.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the narcotic had been found in an area routinely used by outsiders invited by White House staffers on tours of the West Wing, which includes the Oval Office.

Before entering the sensitive areas of the complex, visitors are asked to leave cellphones behind in lockers, which is where the narcotic was reportedly found.

Biden’s chief spokeswoman then emphasized that the first family was not around at the time.

Jean-Pierre deflected further questions, saying “we have confidence that the Secret Service is going to get to the bottom of this.”

Malo Pinatel, with AFP