The UN human rights chief expresses concern over the escalating violence in the occupied West Bank, where at least 18 people have been killed this week in clashes involving the Israeli military. 

The UN human rights chief, Volker Turk, warned Friday that the new outbreak of violence in the occupied West Bank could spiral out of control.

This week, at least 18 people have been killed in the territory in incursions by the Israeli military or attacks by Palestinians or Jewish settlers.

So far this year, more than 200 people have died in violence linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, most Palestinians.

Deadly violence has flared recently in the northern West Bank, a stronghold of Palestinian armed groups where Israel has stepped up military operations.

Turk said this week’s violence was fuelled by strident political rhetoric and an escalation in Israel’s use of advanced military weaponry.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said the sharp deterioration had a terrible impact on Palestinians and Israelis and called for an immediate end to the violence.

He said international human rights law required Israeli authorities to plan and implement all operations to prevent lethal force.

He added that every death caused in such a context requires an adequate investigation.

“Israel must urgently reset its policies and actions in the occupied West Bank in line with international human rights standards, including protecting and respecting the right to life,” Turk said.

Turk said the underlying dynamics leading to violence and the arbitrary loss of life needed to be addressed urgently and would require political will from Israel, the Palestinians, and the international community.

“For this violence to end, the occupation must end,” he said.

Miroslava Salazar with AFP

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