On Sunday, Israel’s Ministry of Finance announced that the state-owned company Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company (EAPC) will build a 254-kilometer terrestrial fiber optic cable between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

According to the Ministry of Finance of Israel, the state-owned company Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company (EAPC) will deploy a 254-kilometer terrestrial fiber optic cable between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, thereby creating a continuous link between Europe, Gulf countries, and Asia, Reuters reported.

According to the Ministry, EAPC will build the cable along an oil pipeline it operates in Israel, starting from the Mediterranean city of Ashkelon to the port of Eilat on the shores of the Red Sea, Reuters informed.

This cable will be connected to existing ones along the Israeli Mediterranean coast. It will be made available to any company holding a license in Israel under a 25-year lease, as stated in the declaration, Reuters communicated.

The ministry added that deploying fiber optics along the pipeline route will allow for monitoring any changes in terrain and detecting possible leaks, Reuters added.

Miroslava Salazar with Reuters

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