Central Bank of Lebanon

Trump's Economic Policies and Lebanon's Dollar Crisis

While the dollar’s value is primarily shaped by US domestic factors, its fluctuations continue to ripple through the global economy. A 2023 International Monetary Fund (IMF) study found that the negative impact of a strong dollar tends to last around two and a half years in emerging markets, compared to just one year in developed economies. The ...

Bank Depositors: The Central Bank Loosens Its Stance

According to reliable sources, This is Beirut has learned that, in the coming months, the Central Bank (BDL) plans to continue providing two monthly payments instead of one to the beneficiaries of circulars 158 and 161, which allow exceptional withdrawals in fresh dollars. The BDL has decided to respond to the current critical situation by ...

All Eyes on Central Bank’s Reserves

Political pressure from the Amal-Hezbollah duo on the government is mounting, driven by rising complaints among the displaced population and the decrease in international aid. Faced with limited options, Lebanon is now in a state of voluntary default. All eyes are set on the foreign currency reserves of Lebanon’s central bank (BDL) and the ...

Hijacking Lebanon's Treasury Account 36

The Shiite duo (Amal-Hezbollah) reportedly has its sights set on the funds in Lebanon's Treasury Account 36 to support the displaced. This account comprises funds collected by the Lebanese state, primarily from taxes, customs duties, donations and other sources of public revenue. Recently, Hezbollah and Amal MPs and ministers, including Hussein ...

The Hezbollah-Israel War: A Blow to the Lebanese Economy

Lebanon is undergoing an unprecedented economic collapse, worsened by the recent war, which deepened the financial crisis that began in 2019 when the state declared bankruptcy, and banks, along with the Central Bank (BDL), faltered. The financial sector’s collapse triggered a widespread crisis, affecting every facet of economic and daily life. ...

Two Payments for Bank Depositors in November Instead of One

Beneficiaries of Central Bank (BDL) circulars 158 and 166 will receive two monthly payments for November instead of one, as announced by This is Beirut on Wednesday. Due to the “urgent circumstances” that Lebanon is currently experiencing, the BDL Central Council requested in a statement released on Thursday that banks provide two ...

Bank Audi Quarterly Report: Economic Reality and Outlook in a War-Torn Lebanon

Lebanon has suffered enormous human, material and economic losses due to the bombings, compounded by a massive wave of displacement not seen since the end of the Civil War in 1990. Most sectors of the Lebanese economy are currently stagnating, with significant declines in tourism and agriculture. The report indicates that the damages are colossal, ...

Depositors May Have Two Monthly Payments Instead of One!

In the coming 48 hours, beneficiaries of Banque du Liban (BDL) Circulars 158 and 166, related to exceptional withdrawals of fresh dollars, will receive updates regarding potential amendments. A source close to the Central Bank has indicated that the number of monthly payments available to eligible depositors will be reduced to two, instead of the ...

Lebanon's Grey List Status: No Reason to Panic!

Lebanon has been officially placed on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list, as announced on Friday. This expected decision came as no surprise. “Of course, we are aware of the extremely dramatic situation in Lebanon, currently,” said Mexican Gafi President Elisa de Anda Madrazo, following the FATF meeting in Paris. “I would like ...

Khalaf: Central Bank's Policies Reflect Change

The Secretary-General of the Association of Banks in Lebanon, Fadi Khalaf, stated that “the new policies adopted by Lebanon’s Central Bank (BDL) indicate a clear change in its approach to managing the financial crisis.” He welcomed “these measures, which reflect the Central Bank’s commitment to achieving as much monetary and financial ...

Maroun Khater: 'Defusing the Cheques Time Bomb'

In its meeting on October 9, 2024, the Central Council of Banque du Liban (BDL) amended main circular No. 166, extending its benefits to depositors who converted their funds from Lebanese pounds to foreign currencies after October 30, 2019. The council also updated main circular No. 147, requiring banks to return outstanding or circulating bank ...