Abdallah Bou Habib

Lebanon to Submit Its Response to the French Proposal by Next Week

Caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib announced on Monday that Lebanon is expected to submit its written response to the French proposal to settle the situation in South Lebanon next week. "Our stance is well known. We want the comprehensive application of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which would also extend to Shebaa and ...

A US Congressional Delegation in Lebanon

A US Congressional delegation including Democrat senators Richard Blumenthal and Christopher Coons started a visit to Lebanon on Wednesday for talks with Lebanese officials on the political situation and persisting violence on the southern border between Hezbollah and Israel since October 8. Accompanied by US Ambassador Lisa Johnson, the ...

Mikati Condemns Israeli Attack on Nabatiyeh

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned the recent attack on Nabatiyeh, denouncing what he termed "persistent Israeli aggression" against southern Lebanon. This comes in the wake of a tragic incident in Nabatiyeh where seven members of a single family lost their lives due to Israeli shelling. "In view of the persistence of this Israeli ...

Iranian Power Politics, Shiite Banana Republics and Their Minions 

The last statement of Abdallah Bou Habib (the so-called Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon), insofar as the military presence of Hezbollah in South Lebanon, reflects the instructions of his mentors and the state of subordination of the cabinet, formed by Najib Mikati, to its diktat. The purported legitimacy of this cabinet should be questioned ...

Nadim Gemayel Hits Back at Bou Habib

MP Nadim Gemayel criticized caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib on Tuesday, labeling him a “dhimmi” and accusing him of betraying the national principles he once upheld. In a statement on his official account, the Kataeb MP questioned the qualifications of a diplomat who fails to acknowledge Lebanon’s sovereignty, its ...

Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mind Your Own Affairs!

It takes a little bit of everything to make up this world. Even someone like Abdallah Bou Habib. The caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs has only one thing on his mind: to accumulate political and media babbling and gesticulation. For some time now, Bou Habib has been letting loose with outrageous and nonsensical statements clearly unworthy of ...

Bou Habib Unilaterally Decides on Matters of National Security

Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdallah Bou Habib took it upon himself to be the spokesperson of the Lebanese Army Commander-in-Chief General Joseph Aoun and make public statements to the international press regarding national security matters and the army, which certainly does not fall within the scope of his duties. He declared on ...

Bou Habib: Lebanon Seeks Comprehensive Peace, Not Partial Solutions

Caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib stated on Thursday that "Lebanon seeks comprehensive peace, not partial solutions," regarding the southern border with Israel. "Israel aims to push Hezbollah to withdraw to the north of the Litani," he said. "We reject this because we want a comprehensive solution that involves delineating the ...

Bou Habib Calls for Border Demarcation with Israel

Abdallah Bou Habib, Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs, called on Monday for the initiation of "indirect negotiations with Israel to resolve points of disagreement," intending to initiate the demarcation of the Israeli-Lebanese border. In an interview with Sky News Arabia, Bou Habib stressed that "Israeli aggression against Lebanon must stop, ...

Bou Habib in New York: For the Full Implementation of Resolution 1701

Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Bou Habib reiterated Lebanon's readiness for a "full" and "balanced" implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, "as part of a comprehensive solution that would guarantee stability and lasting peace" on its southern border. Following a meeting on Wednesday with UN Secretary-General ...

In New York, Bou Habib Calls for Regional Peace

According to Abdallah Bou Habib, “Lebanon doesn’t want war and has never sought it.” Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdallah Bou Habib made a passionate appeal for peace in the Middle East based on United Nations international resolutions during a session at the UN Security Council in New York. In his speech at the Glass Palace ...

Bou Habib Welcomes US Mediation in Meeting with New Ambassador

The newly appointed US ambassador to Lebanon, Lisa Johnson, reiterated in a meeting on Monday with Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdallah Bou Habib her country’s commitment to mediate and ease tensions in southern Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah. "We received with satisfaction the American willingness to act as mediators in order ...