In an interview with This is Beirut, Dany Ousman – mental preparation coach for basketball club Dynamo Lebanon and football clubs Nejmeh and Bourj – insists that the Lebanese national basketball team must be mentally prepared to withstand the pressure of the 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup.
Are you a mental preparation specialist or a psychological preparation specialist? Is there a difference between the two?
I hold a PhD in sports psychology, but in Lebanon, psychology is frowned upon by most. People are afraid of it, so we decided to call it “mental preparation” to avoid scaring away clubs and players. Nevertheless, my work is mostly in the field of sports psychology. Mental preparation is actually a part of sports psychology. A player’s psyche is one thing, pre-game mental preparation is another: preparing a player before a game consists, for example, in showing them sequences where they got angry or lost their patience. We then show them their reaction to their anger, to see if the decisions they made were good or bad. My role is to analyze behaviour and discuss it with the players.
Did you witness cases of depression within the Lebanese basketball and football clubs you worked with?
Of course. I have dealt with many players who went through depression. Many of them are having depressive episodes now, actually. In many instances, players lose a game right after recovering from an injury. In their case, only victory will help them heal; simply playing is not enough. Their team winning does not help if they are not contributing to it. This is not individualism, but treatment will ultimately depend on participating in a game and winning it.
The case of Sergio Darwich
Sergio Darwich is one of the pillars of the Lebanese national basketball team. He recently admitted having had psychological problems during his career. What do you think of his case?
I am in contact with Sergio Darwich, and I think he will overcome these obstacles. He has the right attitude: he keeps training on the court, despite the cast he is wearing. Sergio makes sure to stay in the loop and takes care of himself. It will be easy for him to compete again once he recovers.
Does too much media coverage make it more difficult for basketball players to prepare mentally?
It all depends on the player: some can handle social media pressure better than others. Many people criticize, even though they don’t master the subject they are bringing up. Some old players don’t take lightly to the backlash they receive. Too much media coverage of, let’s say, the Lebanese basketball national team – followed by over 10 million people all over the world – can put a lot of pressure on players. Whether you’re a coach or a player, you have to be mentally strong and well prepared to withstand all this pressure. Unfortunately, the national team does not have a mental preparation specialist. I brought up this issue in front of the federation representatives. For the World Cup, which will start on August 25th, 2023, the team will definitely need mental preparation, as such a contest puts enormous pressure on athletes.
What kind of mental approach should an athlete adopt to get over all the bullying on social media?
Lebanese players don’t have the maturity yet to contact a mental preparation specialist of their own will. The mindset is different in other countries, though: Cristiano Ronaldo recently grabbed his phone and called a sports psychologist. He is mature enough to understand that he needs help from this specific specialist. Some Lebanese players have such maturity, however, but most don’t.
How do you help players get over a phase during which they underperform?
Each player is different. I have to talk to them to know what is going on. For example, there is a player who just started competing in the Lebanese championship and has very high expectations in terms of performance. This player, however, still hasn’t found his rhythm. In his case, the coach may boost his performance by finding the right position for him to play in. One solution is to lower the bar a bit at first, so that the player can deliver. Then, once they have completed these first objectives, they will gain confidence and improve gradually.
The importance of visualization in mental preparation
How do you mentally prepare a basketball player for different technical aspects of the game, such as dunking or 3-point shooting? Do you encourage athletes to do some visualization work ahead of games?
Visualization is a crucial part of mental preparation. To do it, you have to imagine yourself executing a certain action, a shot for example, provided that the act itself is realistic and feasible. If a player does not have the physical ability to dunk the basket, he should not visualize this specific act.
When it comes to 3-point shooting, players must visualize daily. I advise them to practice it at the end of each day, before going to sleep.
How should an athlete mentally prepare his post-career life?
No matter the field of expertise, an individual who stops working after a long career is likely to face mental difficulties. It is all the more difficult for athletes who are passionate about their sport. It is like a love story that lasts thirty years and ends with divorce. Players must absolutely have a plan B in mind when it comes to their post-career shift.