Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati called on the UN Security Council for a “serious solution based on the cooperation of all member states, to put pressure on Israel for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts and a return to security and stability in our region.”

At Wednesday’s Security Council meeting in New York, Mikati welcomed the joint call for a temporary ceasefire in Lebanon, called for by the United States and France, with the support of the European Union and a number of Western and Arab countries.

He also reiterated the Lebanese government’s commitment to UN Resolution 1701.

“The most important thing now is for Israel to commit to implementing international resolutions,” he added.

The Security Council meeting was convened at France’s request in the wake of the latest escalation in Israeli strikes, which have intensified and spread to many areas throughout Lebanon.

In his speech, Mikati praised “the sincere effort made by France, in cooperation with the United States, to issue a joint declaration supported by the international community in order to put an end to this dirty war.”

In this context, he referred to the “unprecedented escalation” currently taking place in Lebanon, notably with the use of new technology for destructive military purposes.

Mikati also described the current situation, mentioning the growing number of killed and wounded civilians, as well as the precariousness of the hospital system.

“Lebanon is today the victim of cyber, air, and sea aggression, which could turn into ground aggression and even lead to a vast regional war,” he lamented.

In this context, he expressed the wish to obtain from the Council “a clear position calling for the cessation of this aggression and respect for the sovereignty and integrity” of Lebanon.

In his speech, the Prime Minister referred to the expansionist danger posed by Israel, both for Lebanon and for the region.

“Who can guarantee that such attacks will not occur in other countries if decisive deterrent and punitive measures are not taken against the aggressor (Israel)?” he said.

In this respect, he recalled the “long history of conflicts and violations” linking the country of the Cedars to the Hebrew state, bearing witness to “continuous Israeli aggressions against Lebanese territory.”

Mikati underlined this “flagrant violation of national sovereignty and (Lebanon’s) rights as a member state of the United Nations.”

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