For the 42nd commemoration of Bachir Gemayel’s assassination on September 14, 1982, a mass in his honor was celebrated on Saturday at Saint Michael Church in Bickfaya.

In Beirut, in front of the Kataeb house in Ashrafieh, party members paid tribute to their former leader, killed in a bomb attack. In attendance were his son, MP Nadim Gemayel, and his sister, Youmna Gemayel, MP Salim Sayegh, party vice president Bernard Gerbaka, party secretary general Serge Dagher, members of the political bureau and the Central Council, as well as a host of members, supporters, and political, military, and spiritual figures.

In a speech delivered on the occasion, Nadim Gemayel expressed his sorrow at the current situation. “Our children continue to be killed, the destruction of our villages continues, and our sovereignty remains violated by a militia that seeks to drag Lebanon into devastating wars”,  he said indignantly.

Denouncing Hezbollah’s attempts to “transform Lebanon into an Iranian province, after having tried to assimilate it to Syria, Gemayel stressed that this commemoration is not just for prayer, but is a real call to resistance, resistance to the naturalization of Palestinians and Syrians in our country, to corruption, smuggling, Iranian weapons, interference, and wars that allow the Israelis to kill our young people and destroy our villages”.

On his X account, Gemayel wrote: “Forty-two years later, Bachir Gemayel’s project and his words still constitute a roadmap guaranteeing the salvation of Lebanon, this country that today finds itself at a crossroads”. To this, he added, “The responsibility lies with each and every one of us. We must now unite, unify our ranks, and undertake whatever is necessary to preserve Lebanon, this nation for which Bachir Gemayel died”.

On Saturday, several political figures also paid tribute to the memory of Bachir Gemayel.

Samy Gemayel, leader of the Kataeb party and member of Parliament, spoke on the same platform. “The years go by and your aura only intensifies. Your name is on everyone’s lips. Your secret is that, through your martyrdom, you have consecrated an approach to resistance that has been handed down from generation to generation.” He continues, “Your heroism worries the enemies of Lebanon, who panic when they hear your name. Your party, however, is always on the lookout, steadfast and unyielding. The Kataeb are faithful to your sacrifices, clear in their positions and strong in their determination to realize your dreams.”

For his part, Kataeb MP Elias Hankash declared that “what comforts us most on the occasion of this commemoration is that 42 years later, photos of Bachir Gemayel are still in every house and on every street, and his speeches still echo in public squares.” On his X account, Hankash also wrote, “The criminals who killed him are still hiding like rats and cowards.”

Former Deputy Prime Minister Ghassan Hasbani wrote on X, “You embodied the values of the Republic. They tried to put an end to the dream by assassinating you, but that dream remains alive in those who follow in your footsteps on the path to a strong Republic.”

Elias Estephan, MP for the Lebanese Forces (LF), wrote on X, “We remember a man who was not only a leader but the symbol of a free and sovereign Lebanon, independent in its decision-making and strong in its unity. Bachir Gemayel was not only an elected president, he was the embodiment of the dreams of a homeland founded on national dignity and justice. His assassination was not the end of the message he carried but the beginning of a long road of struggle for the good of generations who believed in his principles and objectives. We must therefore preserve this dream and commit ourselves to making it a reality.”

Paying tribute to Bachir Gemayel, MP Adib Adbel Massih recalled that “the former President of the Republic, Fouad Chehab, built institutions that we no longer have today, and that the former Head of State, Élias Sarkis, watched over this position (of President, editor’s note), which we are currently deprived of. As for Bachir Gemayel, he sowed a dream in us that we strive to realize every day”.

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