The Saydet al-Jabal Gathering said that to initiate change, “opposition MPs must take concrete steps after (almost) two years of presidential vacuum and stalemate.”

The Gathering deplored the fact that opposition MPs had so far been content to “describe reality by only voicing objections.”

In a press release issued on Monday at the end of its weekly meeting in Ashrafieh, the Gathering submitted four proposals to the opposition MPs.

First, to “demand an unconditional end to the war and to separate the ongoing conflict in South Lebanon from the one in Gaza.”

Second, the opposition must “demand the election of a president of the Republic, per the Constitution.”

Saydet al-Jabal’s last two suggestions call on opposition MPs “to move on from declarations and press releases to concrete action on the ground, including the organization of seminars and dialogue sessions in towns and villages to save Lebanon.”

In addition, the Gathering denounced the silence of the Lebanese government, the relevant ministries, and the security services, which failed to provide explanations to the citizens of southern Lebanon following this weekend’s Israeli strike targeting a Hezbollah ammunition and weapons warehouse in a residential area.

“The representatives of the nation did not even bother to go to the inhabitants of this region to condemn this strike (…) and the fact that Hezbollah uses human shields for its arms depots,” the Gathering added.

“Who guarantees that the Adloun incident will not be repeated in another part of Lebanon? Where is the Lebanese Prime Minister? Where are the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Defense? Where are the statements from the security services? Where is the parliamentary opposition?” asked the Gathering.

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