A source at Electricité du Liban (EDL) denied on Friday evening “rumors that hydroelectric power plants in Lebanon have been out of service since late Friday afternoon.” It added that these reports were “unfounded.”

The same sources revealed that “EDL maintenance teams have been working to repair the malfunction caused by the bad weather and are now working to connect the network.” They were also reassuring, stressing that “there is no need to create confusion” as “the malfunction that occurred is normal with bad weather during the winter season.”

What Had Been Revealed a Few Hours Earlier

The information that “the country’s electricity production plants have been taken out of service” was disclosed late Friday afternoon by local TV station Al Jadeed. The channel explained that a source within EDL had informed it that “due to the storm that has hit the region and Lebanon, the country’s electricity production plants have been taken out of service (…) and that “work is underway to repair the fault so that things can return to normal within about three hours.”

The incident is said to have been caused by “a lightning strike that affected the power lines, resulting in the aforementioned malfunction,” the (supposed) EDL source had stressed to Al Jadeed.

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