During the overnight escalations along the Lebanese southern border, tensions intensified as artillery shelling and military actions unfolded in various locations. The town of Mays al-Jabal witnessed Israeli artillery targeting the Al-Tirash neighborhood, while in the cities of al-Bireh and Aaroura, the Israeli army conducted raids, leading to the arrest of two of Saleh al-Aarouri’s sisters.

Reports indicate that Tayrf Harfa, near Ain al-Zarqa, experienced artillery shelling, raising concerns about the security situation in the region. Furthermore, alarm sirens echoed at the UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura.

The escalation extended to Hula, with heavy machine gun fire from the al-Abad site. Moreover, the outskirts facing Wadi Al-Bayad were targeted by enemy artillery. The Rweisah Hill in Hula was not spared, facing shelling from Israeli forces.

Additionally, the outskirts of Aita al-Shaab witnessed artillery shelling. The ongoing military actions intensified during the morning hours, as the Abad site and the eastern outskirts of Hula experienced intensive gunfire.

As of now, no casualties have been reported, but the situation remains fluid and closely monitored by authorities.