Caretaker Minister of Agriculture Abbas Hajj Hassan, close to the Amal movement, clarified on Tuesday that the solution for the Army commander-in-chief’s issue requires “more maturity and deliberation given its importance,” adding, “Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri was clear regarding this issue: whatever applies to other positions applies to the leadership of the Army, and the priority is electing a president.”

As for the suggestion of postponing decisions in the government, he told the local TV station MTV that “when the time comes, actions will follow, and if the solution stalls in the government, it will move to Parliament.”

Hajj Hassan announced that “special teams in the Ministry of Agriculture have been working since October 8, 2023, in cooperation with municipalities, associations, locals, and farmers to approximately assess the damages daily, and we are working with our partners in international organizations to compensate the farmers.”

In another matter, Hajj Hassan noted that industrial hemp provides the country with a value of 1.5 billion dollars annually, and “we are working toward implementing its decrees as soon as possible, which is among the recommendations of McKinsey.”

“We planted 15,000 dunums of soft wheat last year, and this year, the ministry will plant 40,000 dunums received as a gift from Japan.” He said that the Ministry of Agriculture is securing a donation to finance the construction of horizontal silos for storing wheat, similar to the experience of the Kingdom of Jordan.”

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