The American Embassy in Beirut issued on Friday evening a statement regarding the calm prevailing in South Lebanon.

“Twelve hours of calm on the Blue Line have given us all hope and renewed energy to build a better tomorrow for Lebanon. We echo the call of our UNIFIL colleagues in their powerful statement,” the statement reads.

Earlier on Friday, the commander of the UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon (UNIFIL), General Aroldo Lázaro, urged Hezbollah and Israel not to escalate their border confrontations.

“As peacekeepers, we strongly urge those involved in the gunfire along the Blue Line to halt this cycle of violence,” said Lázaro. He added, “Any further escalation in southern Lebanon could have devastating consequences.”

Furthermore, he stressed “the need for the parties involved to reaffirm their commitment to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 and the cessation of hostile acts.”


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