The Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations filed a complaint to the Security Council following Israel’s new crime, which involved the deliberate killing of journalist Farah Omar and photographer Rabih Maamari, who were working for Al Mayadeen channel, in addition to Lebanese citizen Hussein Akil.

The complaint, submitted at the request of Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdallah Bou Habib, included elements that prove “the deliberate crime committed inside Lebanese territories, far from the Blue Line, constituting a flagrant violation of international law in all its aspects, a breach of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and an assault on civilians and journalists performing their noble journalistic mission according to internationally recognized professional standards to ensure their security and safety.”

According to the complaint, the Israeli Army’s “targeting and cold-blooded assassination of journalists aims to prevent media outlets from conveying the atrocious image of its crimes and to cover up the genocide it is carrying out.”

Lebanon has once again requested the United Nations Security Council to “fulfill its responsibilities by condemning Israel for its crimes since it did not do so in the two previous incidents when it targeted and killed journalists in southern Lebanon. The aim is to prevent Israel’s immunity from international accountability and deterrent sanctions, which is a violation of human rights.”

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