The funeral service of the three little girls and their grandmother who were killed on Sunday in an Israeli attack that targeted Ainata, South of Lebanon, was held on Tuesday in Blida. The occasion was marked by a profound sense of grief, with a multitude of mourners gathering to pay their respects.

Layan Hejazi (10), Talin Hejazi (12) and Remas Hejazi (14), along with their grandmother Samira Abdel-Hussein Ayoub, were killed on Sunday by an Israeli drone that targeted their car. The girls’ mother, Hoda Hijazi, who was driving the car, and her brother, journalist Samir Ayoub, who was driving the car ahead, were injured.

The funeral procession passed through several villages in southern Lebanon and was greeted with ululations and rice and flower petals.

The procession’s most memorable stop was in the village of the deceased’s father, Mahmoud Hijazi, who mourned over the remains of his daughters. He was abroad at the time of the tragedy and returned to Lebanon on Monday.

The procession then made its way to the village of Blida, stopping in front of the family home, before continuing to the village’s Husseiniya.

Residents carried the coffins on their shoulders through the town.

At the funeral, MP Ali Fayad (Hezbollah) affirmed that his party would react firmly to any aggression targeting civilians, vowing to seek retaliation for the attack.