Lebanon filed a complaint with the United Nations Security Council on Monday over Israel’s targeting of a civilian car in which four people were killed, including three children.

“This constitutes a war crime that unequivocally demonstrates Israel’s deliberate targeting of families, children, medical personnel and journalists,” caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib declared after the complaint was submitted.

During an interview with CNN, Bou Habib said, “We are under the impression that there wouldn’t be any big war coming unless Israel attacks Lebanon or the situation gets very bad in Gaza.”

He added, “No one can predict what could happen in these circumstances, since one small incident can start a war. What (Hezbollah leader Hassan) Nasrallah said has not changed since the beginning, he explained it well to all concerned parties.”

Bou Habib emphasized that the Lebanese people do not want war, hoping that the Israelis do not start one with Lebanon. “I don’t think Hezbollah wants a war either,” he stated. “We are working with Hezbollah and other Palestinian organizations here to prevent it, and we would like the United States also to pressure Israel not to start a war.”

Nasrallah said on Friday, November 3 that “all scenarios” are possible on the Lebanese-Israeli border, warning Israel against further escalation.