The Directorate of Orientation of the Lebanese Army announced that the military intelligence service has arrested two Syrians (M.H.) and (Gh.H.) for their affiliation with the terrorist organization ISIS. 

During the interrogation, the first individual “confessed that he had entered Lebanon illegally and was tasked with recruiting followers for the organization, monitoring the movements of the Lebanese army, identifying the locations of a Lebanese political party, and obtaining the coordinates of Roumieh Prison, which he also photographed.” 

The second individual confessed to “carrying out several missions for the organization.” Both detainees have been referred to the relevant judicial authorities.

In the same context, the Directorate of Intelligence in the city of Tripoli arrested two Lebanese individuals (A.H.) and (A.R.), as well as the Syrian (M.F.), for their involvement in distributing materials related to the aforementioned organization.

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