The US State Department underscored the year-long presidential vacancy in Lebanon, deploring the fact that no successor has been elected following the end of former President Michel Aoun’s mandate on October 31, 2022.

“Even as rising tensions along Lebanon’s southern border threaten the country’s stability and the economic crisis deepens, the Lebanese people are deprived of leadership when they need it most,” the State Department said in a press release on Tuesday, October 31.

“Lebanon’s political paralysis does not benefit the Lebanese people. The State Department calls on parliamentarians to do their duty and not put their personal ambitions ahead of the interests of the country,” it said, adding “They should elect a president who will put the country and all its people first, commit to forming a government free of corruption, and implement critical economic reforms.”

“The Lebanese people deserve a president who can unite the nation and guide Lebanon safely through the current challenges,” the statement concluded.

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