In a statement published on Saturday morning, Hezbollah said that the attack, launched at dawn by Hamas against Israel in Gaza, was prompted by Arab attempts to normalize relations with Israel.

“This successful operation is a response to the continuing crimes of the (Israeli) occupier and its attacks on everything that is sacred,” Hezbollah said while paying a vibrant tribute to Hamas.

“It is also a message to the Arab and Islamic world and to the international community, particularly those working for normalization with the enemy, to tell them that the Palestinian cause will remain alive,” says Hezbollah, referring to the negotiations under way between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, which are moving closer to a normalization agreement.

It also announced that its command was “following very closely and with great interest developments on the Palestinian scene as well as the evolution of the situation on the ground” in Gaza, where Hamas has taken control of a Kibbutz and taken nearly 35 Israeli soldiers prisoner.

Hezbollah went on to say that it is “in direct contact with the Palestinian resistance command, locally and internationally, for a continuous assessment of the operation’s progress.”

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