Leader of the Lebanese Forces (LF) Samir Geagea once again ruled out the possibility of the sovereignist opposition approving the election of a president aligned with Hezbollah.

Geagea discussed the presidential dossier in a speech delivered during a dinner at the LF headquarters in Meerab, organized by the regional LF branch in Jezzine and in the presence of Jezzine LF deputies Ghada Ayoub and Said Asmar and a crowd of local dignitaries. Geagea notably accused the Hezbollah-Amal duo and its allies of systematically sabotaging the presidential election.

“What the obstructive axis wants is to elect a president who is aligned with them. Otherwise, they do not want a president at all,” Geagea declared. “As for the Lebanese Forces, we want a president who pledges allegiance to Lebanon only, and if not, we simply do not want a president. We are not demanding a president of our own, even though we form the largest parliamentary group and represent the largest Christian party. The other camp is not able to elect their candidate, so they want to get us to facilitate the election of their candidate. But this time it will not happen.”

Furthermore, the LF leader emphasized once again the impossibility of coexistence between the State and the mini-state, or between the Army and another paramilitary group, in a clear reference to Hezbollah.

On another note, Geagea reiterated that the LF member from Ain Ebel, South Lebanon, was indeed assassinated not far from his village and did not die in a road accident. He clarified that the videos proving this murder are in the hands of the Intelligence Branch of the Internal Security Forces and the Army Intelligence Services.

In conclusion, Geagea condemned the behavior of Hezbollah in the Kahaleh incident.

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