Head of the National Council for Lifting Iran’s Occupation of Lebanon, former Member of Parliament Fares Souhaid, has conveyed a pointed message through his platform on “X,” and outlined ten critical developments:

Armed factions have coerced property proprietors in Baghdad’s Al-Jadriya district to part with their land. Despite his prolonged silence since 2018, Shiite leader Sistani intervenes to halt the forcible land sales.

Notably, this course of action follows Cardinal Sako’s abstention from managing Christian endowments. Upon solidifying military and political dominance, an intricate process of expanding economic and real estate influence takes hold.

Manipulation of property records emerges in post-war Syria, exacerbating concerns. Lebanon’s real estate sector, a long-standing concern, remains threatened by destabilization.

The insidious strategy of manipulation through intimidation or incentives becomes evident, resulting in territorial control. The region bears witness to sweeping shifts in demographics, politics, economy, and property landscape.

Coordinated attempts to diminish Sunni sway unfold across Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. In a subtle yet strategic move, various minority groups, including Alawites, Druze, and Christians, are courted.

Moreover, Souhaid asserts with conviction: Iran’s ascendance to authority over regional resources, borne out of military success, is an inescapable reality. The imperative to face this reality is not only a national obligation but also a shared responsibility within the Arab and international spheres.


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