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The third anniversary of August 4 is back again, overshadowed by a tangled local judicial process, while the sole remaining glimmer of hope for the martyrs and grieving families lies within a fair international investigation!

Between the chaotic local inquiry and the international insistence on its completion, many questions arise: Where is the investigation? What lies ahead for the international petitions submitted to the International Community?

In an interview with Houna Lebanon, Georges Okais, a member of the parliamentary bloc The Strong Republic, reiterates the unwavering stance of his bloc, a persistent and fundamental demand for the establishment of an international truth-seeking committee, either under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General or the Human Rights Council. As time has passed, the validity of this demand has been firmly established. On August 17, 2020, mere days after the devastating explosion, a petition bearing the signatures of approximately 17 parliamentarians was submitted on this matter.

Okais considers that the initial petition has failed to achieve success, primarily due to an insufficiency of evidence and the stagnant local inquiry. Nonetheless, after impeding Judge Bitar’s investigation, coupled with restitution and cessation claims, the International Community’s perspective underwent a profound transformation. Therefore, a second petition was submitted to the Human Rights Council in 2021, with the collaboration of the victims’ families and humanitarian organizations.

MP Okais further added that “a collective statement has been issued to the Human Rights Council, prompted by a recommendation from Australia, urging the Lebanese government to move on with the local investigation. Today, the obstruction of the local inquiry led us to seek an international one. The European Parliament’s resolution is the first international directive that explicitly advocates for the establishment of a truth-seeking committee. This is a significant development that can provide a solid foundation for the forthcoming phase, particularly as it aligns with the demands of the families of the victims that we wholeheartedly endorse.”

Okais urges for the persistence of struggle and perseverance, as the underlying cause of the port explosion remains a continuous Lebanese demand that cannot be renounced under any circumstances or pretexts, while emphasizing the significance of not losing hope.

Martyr Charbel Hitti’s sister Antonella Hitti considers that, even three years after the explosion, the families of the victims still perceive the investigation as stagnant as it was at the initial phase, while today, the irony lies in the release of the suspects.

She points out that “curbing the investigation was accompanied by disappointment, a dynamic that prompted families to seek solace in an international truth-seeking committee.”

 “We are all aware of the corruption prevalent within various State departments,” she subsequently stated. Nonetheless, it is the tenacity of conscientious individuals, who remain unwavering in their support and determined in exposing the truth, that propels us to overcome obstacles. We maintain our faith in Judge Bitar, hoping that we will not be disappointed. Despite all odds, we continue making every effort to support the Lebanese judiciary in its pursuit to uncover the truth.”

Moreover, Hitti thinks that “the main hindrance to the investigation undoubtedly stems from the criminal entity, which dreads the exposure of the truth and is reluctant to reveal it,” pointing to those affiliated with Hezbollah, whose representatives/MPs have likewise declined to endorse the petitions concerning the international investigation.

Regarding the recommendations of the European Parliament to impose sanctions on those who hinder the investigation, Antonella Hitti asserts that “it is a pivotal international step that bolsters the families’ efforts to establish a truth-seeking committee.” She warns, however, that as the suspects are released, the task may become more complicated, wishing for the re-arrest of the suspects and all those involved in the crime!

She concludes by stating: “Since the explosion, starting with the visit of the French President who expressed support for the investigation without taking any concrete steps, and to the present day, as the European nations have made a concerted effort to work on the investigation dossier, the recent positive step taken by the European Parliament highlights its support for the victims’ families and the disclosure of the truth, which is our right. We won’t accept another August 4.”

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