Lawyer Mark Habka announced on Tuesday that he has been mandated by Nady Salameh, son of former Governor of the Banque du Liban Raid Salameh, to “take legal action, both locally and internationally against The National newspaper” and “anyone who dares to falsify the facts and distort his image.”
In an article published in the columns of The National, Nady Salameh was accused of “being involved in money laundering operations through the acquisition of real estate worth several million dollars allegedly held with his father, Riad Salameh, in Europe,” reads Habka’s statement. He adds that “the newspaper claimed to have based itself on documents obtained from files under investigation by the German and French courts, even though these documents, which concern criminal investigations, are covered by the secrecy of investigations.”
The statement indicates that “the exploitation of these articles by certain local media and individuals to distort and falsify the facts relating to the two legal cases under investigation in Germany and France has gone on far too long.”

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