The ceasefire that took hold late Tuesday, August 1, in Ain Al-Hilweh camp near Saida in south Lebanon, was violated at midday today, as exchanges of rocket and gunfire resumed between the mainstream Fatah movement and Islamist groups.

A relative calm had prevailed earlier when the ceasefire, monitored by the joint Palestinian working committee, was implemented following four days of fierce fighting in which 11 people were killed and 60 injured in Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp.

The committee entered the camp on Tuesday afternoon and managed to enforce a cessation of the fighting as it started an investigation to identify and apprehend those responsible for ambushing Fatah’s military official Ahmad al-Armouchi and four of his “comrades.”

The clashes that erupted on Saturday caused significant damage to properties and infrastructure within the camp, leading to the displacement of numerous families who are awaiting the opportunity to return and inspect their homes.