As Riad Salameh’s term as Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) ends in three weeks, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Sunday that he would neither extend Salameh’s term nor appoint a successor, while the Vice-Governors are threatening to collectively resign.

During an interview with al-Sharq al-Awsat, Mikati said he didn’t want to “deepen the rift between the Lebanese people,” which has peaked with the continued obstruction of elections as the presidential vacuum continues after more than nine months.

Mikati affirmed that “it is not on my agenda to reassign Salameh until a successor is appointed through a decree issued by the Council of Ministers.” He reaffirmed that he would not allow that to occur, amid accusations of providing political cover for Salameh as some claim that Mikati has a personal interest in keeping the current BDL Governor in his position.

In this context, Mikati pointed out that the solution to filling the vacancy in the Central Bank governorship after the end of Salameh’s term lies in applying the law that allows his Deputy, Wassim Mansouri, to carry out the assigned tasks.

“If anyone has another solution, they can propose it. As far as I’m concerned, I will not nominate any names to replace Salameh,” he stated.

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