The Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rai raised the tone on Sunday, in line with the criticisms he made about the Lebanese political class the day before, urging its members to grasp the immense responsibilities that lie upon them, which they do not seem willing to assume.

Dedicating the mass to the souls of Haytham and Malek Tawk, the Maronite Patriarch recalled the tragic event in Qornet al-Sawda, during which these two residents of Bsharri were murdered by unidentified gunmen.

The hypotheses considered are either that the tragedy is part of a long-standing dispute over water with the inhabitants of the village of Bekaa Safrine in the Dennieh district, or that Hezbollah premeditated and carried out this double murder to create divisions between the two villages. The latter version is supported by former Minister and Tripoli MP Ashraf Rifi.

According to Rai, it is necessary to “respect the forthcoming judicial decision because we respect the state, its institutions and its security forces, which are the only ones capable of protecting all citizens without discrimination.”

“We must prevent the intervention of politicians that hinders the work of security forces responsible for implementing judicial and administrative decisions, and stop the water-related works taking place in Qornet al-Sawda, in accordance with the laws that prohibit the use of water when it is above 2,000 meters in altitude,” the patriarch added.

Rai emphasized that “this non-implementation of state decisions is a result of well-known political interference against the rule of law,” adding that “if these decisions had been respected, the problem would have ceased, and the murder of Haytham and Malek Tawk would not have taken place.”

Institutional Vacuums

Turning to the presidential dossier, the patriarch stated that “this persistence in maintaining the presidential vacancy … is a crime committed by all those who prevent the election process of a president despite the presence of capable candidates.”

He also denounced the vacuum affecting the military council, indicating that “if it persists, it will have very negative effects not only on the military institution but also on the security situation of the entire country.”

As a reminder, the position of chief of staff is one of the three vacant positions within the military council, and the person occupying this position is the only one who can assume the interim role in case of a vacancy in the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Army. This position is currently held by General Joseph Aoun, whose mandate expires in January 2024.

However, the current caretaker Minister of Defense Maurice Slim is one of the ministers boycotting the Cabinet meetings due to their refusal to make appointments, on the grounds that the current government is only responsible for conducting current affairs, which does not include this prerogative, contrary to the opinion of caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

Saturday’s Mass

In another Mass held on Saturday at the Saint Nohra Church in the village of Bkerkacha, the patriarch did not hold back while addressing the political class.

In his sermon, titled “The Harvest Is Plentiful, but the Laborers Are Few” (referring to politicians who are too few to care about the major issues that weigh on their shoulders), he directly addressed them as follows: “Why do you create problems and then try to solve them in violation of the Constitution? Why do you turn Parliament into a legislative body when, since the presidential vacancy, it has become an electoral body? Why do you grant the government, responsible for conducting current affairs, the prerogative of making appointments, which belongs to the president?”

“Poor Lebanon!” Rai added.

In a firm tone, Patriarch Rai admonished the officials: “Dear members of Parliament and the Cabinet, the first and last necessity, which is the key to all your problems, is the election of a president. If you do not proceed with it, you commit the crime of high treason against the state and the people. And treason is the mother of all crimes.”

Criticizing the inaction of the officials, he reprimanded the deputies, holding them accountable. “Today, you have two respectable Maronite candidates for the presidency, so go to the Parliament and elect one of them in accordance with the Constitution, which describes Lebanon as a parliamentary state,” Rai said.

“If you have not succeeded after at least three consecutive rounds, then, only at that moment, and out of respect for the dignity of these candidates, negotiate to find a third candidate.”

“It is enough that you waste time waiting for inspiration from outside … while the institutions are collapsing one after another,” Rai concluded.