Former MP, and PM advisor, Nicolas Nahas shed light on a development that could potentially alter the landscape surrounding the appointment of the Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon in an interview with Voice of All Lebanon on Friday.

He emphasized that “the problem remains the same in ensuring the continuity of the public institution, especially the governance of the Central Bank of Lebanon, as monetary policy is in its hands.”

Nahas underscored the caretaker Prime Minister’s intention to strike a delicate balance between necessity and political considerations. He stated: “The Prime Minister’s decision aims to establish equilibrium between what is necessary and essential, while also navigating the intricate web of political dynamics.”

The former MP further revealed that the PM intends to initiate dialogue with various stakeholders in the coming weeks, as he seeks to find a viable solution to the impasse. He assured that “there are multiple avenues to explore, including appointments and the transfer of responsibilities to the first governor. However, a new solution will be carefully considered if consensus cannot be reached on the proposed options.”

When asked about potential objections to the appointment of a new governor, Nahas responded, “This is not a matter of mere challenge. The position holds fundamental significance that extends beyond political interests.” He also reiterated the urgent need for consensus on this critical matter, cautioning against an uncertain trajectory if an agreement fails to materialize.

Salam: Vacancies in such a critical institution are strictly prohibited”

As for Minister of Economy Amin Salam, he voiced his concerns regarding the evasion of responsibility and emphasized the need for a collective commitment to finding a solution

Salam stated, “The act of evading responsibility is not in the best interest of our nation. If a collective resignation of the Central Bank governors were to occur, it is our duty as a government to find a resolution that everyone is obliged to adhere to.”

The minister further highlighted the importance of preventing any power vacuum within the country’s highest monetary authority, stating: “Regardless of political opinions, we must prioritize the stability and effectiveness of the highest monetary power. Vacancies in such a critical institution are strictly prohibited.”

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