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MP Fouad Makhzoumi and other parliamentarians opposed to the Hezbollah-led camp headed to Berlin as part of diplomatic efforts to raise awareness about Lebanon’s issues and find solutions to the political and economic crises stalling the country.

The delegation included members of the Lebanese Forces, the Kataeb, the Lebanese Renewal, and the Democratic Union parties, as well as independent MPs. Germany is the fifth leg of a tour that took them to Stockholm, Brussels, Washington, and Paris.

According to certain MPs, the tour is meant to make up for the absence of Lebanese diplomacy and to counterbalance the narrative that promotes the project of Hezbollah and its allies in Lebanon.

They believe that it is now imperative for the opposition to make its voice heard globally, to present a potential solution, and to highlight the risks that threaten Lebanon and its people if Hezbollah’s dominance persists.

During their visit to Germany, the delegation didn’t have to dwell on Hezbollah and its role, as Berlin has already classified the Shiite party as a terrorist organization. However, Berlin does not rule out dialogue and open communication with anyone. In fact, the Germans wish to have a role in resolving Lebanon’s political and economic crises. However, two basic steps need to be taken urgently: the election of a President of the Republic, and the conclusion of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund.

The Lebanese delegation has requested German participation in the planned meeting in Paris to discuss the situation in Lebanon, alongside France, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt. The Lebanese MPs believe that Berlin can play a balanced role, in parallel with Paris, as the latter has thrown itself into Hezbollah’s lap. However, the Germans are reluctant to take a step in this direction, as France might not be receptive to it. Nevertheless, they are willing to try, hoping for a part to play.

Many members of the Lebanese delegation (as there are different viewpoints among them) have also asked for the imposition of sanctions on Hezbollah’s allies. They believe that such a move could push them to distance themselves from the pro-Iranian party and its agenda. However, the question remains whether all Europeans, especially the French, are currently in favor of such measures.

The opposition MPs’ diplomatic tour is aimed at shedding light on the blurred situation in Lebanon and clarifying its “fake democracy” to foreign countries, which, in reality, is a conception imposed by the dominant forces in the country.

If this reality fails to make its way to relevant international countries, Lebanon will further plunge into chaos and face eventual collapse.


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