In an interview with LBCI, Caretaker Minister of Education Abbas Halabi said that “the decision to cancel the intermediate certificate exams was proposed outside the Council of Ministers’ agenda just a few days before their scheduled start.”

He added, “We will set specific criteria so that free applicants can graduate. We will not deprive anyone of their rights but we will not turn this situation into an ‘everyone has won’.”

He explained that “there will definitely be regulations concerning age and academic sequence, and those who fail the official exams will be scrutinized to ensure educational standards and the reputation of the certificate, even if it is the Brevet certificate.”

Regarding the manipulation of grades in schools, Halabi said, “This is one of the reasons why we hesitate to rely on them, but schools have provided midterm grades, and this is a foundation we can rely on.”

He added, “Until now, I cannot say what the Ministry of Education has decided regarding the official exams, and I will announce the formulas because it is the citizens’ right to know the ministry’s direction.”

Halabi expressed his wish for the Council of Ministers to adopt the decisions of the Ministry of Education, as it is the most informed entity on educational matters.

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