The leader of the Democratic Gathering bloc, MP Teymour Jumblatt, will be officially consecrated this Sunday as leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, as he is the sole candidate for the party’s top post. During its 49th General Congress, held at the Scout City in Ain Zhalta, the PSP will also elect two vice-presidents, a secretary and an 8-member command council.

At 41, Teymour Jumblatt, Chouf MP, will succeed his father, Walid Jumblatt. The 73-year-old Druze leader, a key figure on the Lebanese political scene, found himself at the head of the party in 1977, following the assassination of his father Kamal Jumblatt, founder of the PSP.

Walid Jumblatt resigned from the party presidency on May 25, and Teymour announced his candidacy on June 15.

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