The Lebanese Forces (LF) Bloc held a crucial Zoom meeting that focused on the upcoming presidential election session scheduled for June 14. The bloc reiterated its decision to support candidate Jihad Azour in the upcoming session, urging opposition MPs to act responsibly and fulfill their duty to end the prolonged presidential vacuum.

Several agreements and topics were discussed during the meeting led by LF leader Samir Geagea, as the discussions revolved around ensuring that the 14th session leads to the election of a new president, holding those responsible to account for any lack of quorum causing an extended period of vacancy and detrimental consequences for the country.

The bloc also discussed the importance of condemning the provocative rhetoric of certain factions trying to impose their candidate. They highlighted that the real conspiracy lies in hindering the presidential process and isolating Lebanon from the rest of the world.

Throughout the meeting, the bloc stressed the vital importance of voting for a candidate to break the cycle of prolonged vacancy. They firmly rejected the notion of a “blank ballot” and emphasized the constitutional and national responsibility of MPs to elect a president.

The meeting acknowledged Azour’s dedication to fostering dialogue and seeking national consensus, as it focused on restoring the state’s prestige, upholding the constitution and reestablishing strong Arab and international relations.