The Metropolitan of Beirut, Archbishop Elias Audi, deplored that there are still citizens in Lebanon “who worship idols, represented by leaders or material interests, and seats eaten away by corruption.”

During his homily on Sunday, he accused politicians of “sowing sins instead of washing away those they have caused to a people suffering from oppression, poverty and humiliation.”

He added: “These citizens revolted, they were angry and rejected the actions of those responsible, but they re-elected those who caused their pain and the loss of their resources and savings, plunging themselves into a deeper abyss. May what the people are experiencing be a lesson in discernment and taking a stand.”

Archbishop Audi stressed that “choosing representatives of the people does not mean submitting to them and turning a blind eye to their mistakes, but asking them to be accountable,” noting that “the choice must be made based on integrity, experience, and loyalty to this country.”

He added: “Where have the promises made a year ago gone? When will Parliament open its doors to elect a President? Is it appropriate for Lebanon that its president does not attend an Arab or international summit?”