On Saturday, May 20, a meeting was held in Byblos to address the situation of Syrian refugees residing in the district. Participants included MPs Simon Abi Ramia, Ziad Hawat, and Raed Berro, Head of Byblos’ Municipalities Union Fadi Martinos, President of the League of Mukhtars Michel Gibran, Governor of Byblos, as well as Heads of Municipalities, Mukhtars, and representatives from the Internal Security Forces (ISF).
Ziad Hawat warned about the repercussions of the Syrian refugee crisis on Lebanon’s economy, institutions, security, and infrastructure. He pointed out that the country is incapable of absorbing such a large number of refugees as they have become economic competitors, straining healthcare, social, and educational services. Hawat also stated that refugees are responsible for a significant portion of security incidents.
The MP also called on the government to strictly enforce laws that control the refugees’ illegal entry and the regulation of their work. He also mentioned the importance of implementing the protocol agreement between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Lebanese General Security. Furthermore, he urged municipal federations to coordinate their efforts to unify the implementation of procedures related to refugees.
Simon Abi Ramia emphasized the national responsibility of the Lebanese State in finding a solution to the Syrian refugee crisis. He proposed a decentralized approach involving collaboration between legislative and executive authorities to develop local recommendations and procedural solutions through a joint monitoring committee.
Raed Berro acknowledged that Lebanese citizens and Syrian refugees were all victims of the war in Syria. He highlighted the burden faced by Lebanon due to the unfairness of the international community as well as the country’s financial limitations. Berro called on the government to establish monitoring mechanisms, enforce laws, and apply Lebanese regulations to Syrians once their refugee status is removed.
For his part, Fadi Martinos delivered a speech highlighting the challenges faced by municipalities in the region. He emphasized the need for proactive measures and collaboration with government agencies for the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland.
Michel Gibran announced that Mukhtars in municipalities will conduct a comprehensive survey of Syrians in Byblos and provide a list of unauthorized Syrians to relevant authorities for accurate data collection in the district.
The Governor of Byblos emphasized the need for collective efforts and coordination with security agencies in conducting a survey of Syrian refugees. She urged Mukhtars to refrain from organizing aid without proper registration.