President of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) Charles Arbid informed caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Thursday that the group will be holding a survey on the perception of Syrian refugee presence in Lebanon in order to defuse tensions with their Lebanese hosts.

Speaking after a meeting at the Grand Serail, Arbid said the 12-point survey will cover topics related to Syrian competition with Lebanese labor, small businesses, education and integration of Syrian students in the curricula, medical care and hospitalization, security and crime, overcrowded prisons and detentions, smuggling and border control, infrastructure, relations with municipalities, births and personal status, aid programs, and money movement.

“We will gather all the ideas and answers we receive to find solutions that can be implemented to ease tensions in some areas,” Arbid said, adding, “hopefully, the Syrians will return to their country, but until that happens, this matter must be organized through collaborative work.”

The Syrian refugee dossier was recently thrust to the forefront following the Lebanese army’s deportation of 50 Syrians, a move that escalated tensions and triggered calls for the repatriation of the refugees.

Lebanon hosts the largest number of refugees per capita, estimated by the authorities at more than 2 million, including 800,000 registered with UNHCR.

Tensions have been growing between the refugees and their Lebanese hosts who accuse them of taking over jobs and livelihood resources.

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