In a statement issued on Thursday, the spokesperson for the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs expressed France’s regrets that  Brazil’s resolution on Gaza was not endorsed by the UN Security Council.

The resolution, which garnered the support of 12 countries, including France, aimed to address critical issues in the Middle East and was seen as a significant effort to bring the Council together on common principles.

The resolution unequivocally condemned “the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas on Israel,” the statement read. It also called for the release of prisoners and emphasized the importance of respecting international humanitarian law. Furthermore, the resolution urged the establishment of humanitarian ceasefires and the opening of crossings to facilitate the urgent, complete and safe delivery of humanitarian aid. This aid would be provided by organizations such as the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and various humanitarian agencies, with the goal of assisting the civilian population in Gaza, according to the statement.

Beyond addressing the immediate crisis, the resolution also reiterated the concept of a two-state solution whereby both states would coexist and share secure borders. This emphasis on a peaceful solution highlighted the need to redouble efforts in order to prevent a further deterioration of the situation in the Middle East.

France expressed its gratitude to Brazil for taking this initiative and for its role in coordinating this resolution, which was backed by a significant number of nations.

The statement stressed that France, along with its partners, remains committed to mobilizing resources to meet urgent humanitarian needs and prevent any further destabilization in the region.

“In this vein, France has already allocated an additional 10 million euros in humanitarian aid to support the population of the Gaza Strip,” the statement added.

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