According to sources quoted by MTV, the collection of bills from Syrian refugee camps has brought in LBP 1.2 billion for Electricité du Liban (EDL).

“Collection in the camps is going well,” said Tarek Abdallah, a member of EDL’s Board of Directors to MTV, hoping that these positive results will reduce the rates of waste and non-collection from which EDL suffers.

He noted that bill collection in the camps is part of the emergency plan drawn up by the public supplier. “Electricity is a commodity, and anyone who consumes it must pay, whether Lebanese, resident, refugee or other,” he insisted.

In this context, it should be recalled that EDL installed meters in some 900 Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon after collaborating with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which ensured that, in the amount it allocates to each person, a portion is allocated to electricity.

Abdallah emphasized that EDL’s objective is to increase the hours of power supply as much as possible. He asserted that, in the meantime, as long as collection improves and losses decrease, EDL’s budget will be positively impacted. Therefore, the possibility of gradually increasing supply would be possible.

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