During his participation in the fifth Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Trade and Investment Forum in Brussels, Mohammad Abou Haidar, the Director General of the Ministry of the Economy, held meetings with officials from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Trade and the Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union. The primary objective of these meetings was to boost Lebanese exports to EU countries.

A joint meeting of the Lebanese-European working group was convened for this purpose, extensively discussing the partnership agreement between Beirut and Brussels.

Abou Haidar reiterated the commitment of the Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade to strengthen economic and trade relations with the EU, emphasizing the utilization of the partnership agreement.

Notably, Lebanese exports to the European Union surpassed $600 million in value in 2022, reaching a record level.

Discussions also focused on the upcoming fifteenth meeting of the Joint Working Committee scheduled for Thursday, aiming to make progress on the issue of changes to the EuroMed zone’s rules of origin.

The Union for the Mediterranean, an intergovernmental institution comprising 42 countries, serves as a platform to promote dialogue and cooperation among member nations.

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