Electricité du Liban (EDL) issued a statement on Monday aimed at securing outstanding payments from various public institutions across the country.

This move comes in response to circular number 4 from the office of the Prime Minister, dated 8/2/2023, which emphasizes the necessity for all public administrations, institutions, municipalities, union of municipalities, councils, and funds to promptly settle their dues to EDL. This also follows the recommendation of a committee meeting (16/3/2023) that urged the disconnection of electricity to state institutions with unpaid bills.

The company references specific resolutions (300, dated 5/8/2022, and 420, dated 3/11/2022) which highlight the National Emergency Plan for the electricity sector and the obligation of public entities to pay their electricity bills.

These payments should be made in fresh Lebanese pounds and deposited into the company’s account, at the Central Bank of Lebanon, per the bank’s instructions. This requirement encompasses both overdue amounts from previous bills and the newly issued bills for November and December in 2022.

The goal is to stabilize finances and ensure an uninterrupted electricity supply, benefiting both the corporation and the public entities it serves.

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