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In the relentless swirl of the digital age, a fresh choreographic gem has emerged. Within just a few days, Horra, the latest production of the dance troupe Mayyas, has enchanted and captivated nearly 92,000 art enthusiasts on YouTube. This sudden surge of interest stands as a testament to the undeniable appeal and meteoric rise of this artistic collective.

Titled Horra, (“free” in Arabic), this recent work by Mayyas is a renewed celebration of the freedom of movement, rhythm and collective inventiveness. While maintaining continuity with their memorable performance on the stage of the renowned America’s Got Talent, it further asserts their distinctiveness and innovative spirit.

On a stage split between the majestic – an ancient temple lost amidst the rocks – and the minimalist – a stripped-back interior space – the dancers unfurl their expressiveness. Their bodies undulate like snakes, becoming the protagonists of a visual narrative where standout elements include the narcissistic mirror, water, dazzling flames and fire staging.

Horra was created and choreographed by Nadim Cherfan, who is supported by a dedicated team contributing to the success of the troupe. The music was composed by Harry Hedeshian, who also arranged the soundtrack. The director of photography, Shadi Chaaban, takes viewers on a journey to the rhythm of the dancers’ steps, uncovering a different world. Supervising the production is George Peter Barbari, while Christelle Younes assumes the role of the producer. Bittersweet Pictures serves as the production house while Lea Ghorayed is the manager of Mayyas, the look consultant is Elie Khater, Mayyas’ general assistant is Jad Atallah and the assistant choreographer is Lea Haj.

The success of this troupe stems not only from the creative and motivating spirit of the choreographer and the talent of the dancers, but above all, from their perseverance. Never ceasing to train, always moving forward, they never lower their arms as they seamlessly undulate them, bending their knees to the rhythm of bewitching moves. This spirit led the troupe to achieve victory on America’s Got Talent in 2022. The troupe forged a path, with high-calibre performance, rehearsal after rehearsal, to glory. Even after their international triumph, Mayyas continue to reach for the stars.


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