Under the majestic nave of the Notre-Dame du Liban Cathedral in Paris, where ancient pillars rise with grace towards the heavens, like custodians of eternity, and celestial vaults stand as triumphant arches, elevating spirits to ineffable heights, the Musicales du Liban festival invited the audience on an enchanting journey into the heart of the Lebanese Western (Orientalist) musical repertoire, on June 4th and 10th. Emerging like a phoenix from the abyss of forgotten ashes, these remarkable works, with some exuding a delightful tenderness and others captivating with their enchanting depth, have sought sanctuary in the City of Light. They awaken an exquisite communion between cultures and magnify the splendor of a regrettably undiscovered musical realm. The Musicales du Liban, under the auspices of its co-founders Zeina Saleh Kayali and Georges Daccache, have succeeded in building melodic and harmonic bridges between the shores of the East and the horizons of the West, revealing the profound soul of a music that has now found its well-deserved place of distinction within the resplendent city of Paris.