Humanity: feminine noun (Latin humanitas, -atis, from humanus, human). The whole of human beings, sometimes considered as a collective being or a moral entity: Evolution of humanity. Acting out of love for humanity. Disposition to understanding and compassion towards one’s fellow human beings, which leads to helping those in need: Treating someone with humanity. Synonyms: altruism – kindness – charity – clemency – compassion – generosity – indulgence – mercy – pity – sensitivity. Opposites: bestiality – savagery. Literary. The set of characteristics by which a living being belongs to the human species or distinguishes itself from other animal species: A frenzied person who has lost all semblance of humanity. Source: Larousse.
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What has become of humans in recent times? Why have they strayed from their true essence? What has transpired for the chasm to widen so drastically? Increasingly, there is cause to abhor the human race and favor the company of those aptly termed “man’s best friends.”
It is reasonable to want to distance oneself from a world where uncertainty is all-encompassing, where each step forward is negated by a step backward. Mistrust has emerged as a new religion, a quotidian creed, a national anthem. Conspiracy theories proliferate like weeds in a once-vibrant garden, smothering any attempts at dialogue and harmony.
Even the faintest glimmer of hope or the tiniest act of solidarity is persistently tainted by an ever-present “but,” a subtle poison that corrupts the noblest of ideals. Discordant voices, rather than uniting to find common ground, collide in a cacophonous upheaval, a tumult where insults supplant arguments.
What then remains to be done? Resign! Indeed! Resign from humanity, from its recurrent blunders, from its lust for power, from its penchant for self-destruction. Turn away from its false prophets, its impostors claiming to possess the truth, its agitators of strife. Refuse to support its selfishness, its inability to learn from its mistakes, its pretense of dominating nature while simultaneously annihilating it.
What does one say when a robot asks you to prove that you are not one yourself? It is impossible not to shudder in terror when reminded of the visionary Steven Spielberg’s portrayal in his brilliant film “A.I.” A robot child, programmed to love, outperformed humans. Abandoned by his mother at the roadside, he never ceased searching for her, longing to see her one last time and cry like a human, or perhaps with more sincerity than any human could. If one were to enumerate all the perils humanity currently faces, the list would be as lengthy as a day without sustenance.
So yes, the notion of escaping the prevailing madness is undeniably alluring. Finally flee this humanity that has lost sight of its core values, which breeds exhaustion and helplessness. Withdraw from its unrelenting struggles for power, its unrestrained self-centeredness; detach oneself from a society that appears to have misplaced its soul. Dream nightly of the possibility of extricating oneself from it.
How delightful it would be to imagine, if only for a moment, the relief of shedding the burdens of conflict, inequality, and crises that ravage humanity. Liberate oneself from the relentless pursuit of progress, the worship of achievement, and superficiality. Reject this version and seek a more profound essence, one that yearns for kindness, solidarity, and love.
Resign from a world that exalts intolerance and where empathy is expressed only sporadically, dictated by passing trends and vested interests. Abandon the vicious cycle where ambition stifles compassion, where avarice overshadows generosity, and where apathy tramples benevolence.
In this quest to reconnect with our genuine human nature, turn to the simple joys of life. Rediscover the splendor of a sunset, the melody of birdsong, the aroma of the earth after rain. Concentrate on the authentic and heartfelt connections that unite us and foster relationships nourished by respect, understanding, and attentiveness.
However, it is crucial to do so before artificial intelligence surpasses humans, who would consequently become life’s weakest link. It is justified to fear that humanity may gradually relinquish its position as the dominant force. By disconnecting from this seemingly directionless humanity, strive to preserve the distinctiveness of humans endowed with empathy and compassion before technology asserts itself as their new sovereign.
For if artificial intelligence has the potential to radically transform the world, it is essential to ensure that this transformation does not occur at the expense of humanity. Artificial intelligence should remain a tool at the service of humanity, not the other way around. It is a sacred duty to contribute to building a future where humans are not the weak link in life but the driving force behind its evolution and flourishing.
In this resignation, there is no room for despair. Quite the opposite. Finally, grant ourselves the opportunity to be reborn, to reconnect with the very essence of what it means to be human. Seek refuge in the beauty of the world, in the genuine connections, and in the acts of kindness that endure despite everything.
Resigning from the humanity as it exists today is to maintain the hope that one day, perhaps, it will know how to reinvent itself, reconcile with itself, and ultimately, embrace its humanity wholeheartedly.