Pikasso d’Or : Celebrating Creativity in Advertising
Naji Boulos 2024-02-28 10:34 - Reading : 3 minute(s)
After the Sursock Museum in 2023, the 28th edition of the Pikasso d’Or was celebrated in another symbolically rich and heritage-filled venue by the advertising company Pikasso: the Maison Corm, an architectural gem nearly a century old that served as the headquarters for Ford in the 1930s and now houses the Charles Corm Foundation. As usual, ...

Stars of Sport in 2023: At the Peak of Performance
Naji Boulos 2024-01-02 20:14 - Reading : 4 minute(s)
What can we take away from the 2023 sporting year? Who shone in the stadiums? Who stood out in the pools? This is Beirut takes a look at the top sportsmen and women ranked by major sports media. L'Équipe newspaper chose the right front page to announce the two Champions of World Champions2023: "Les Titans." The winners are true giants of world ...

Amphibian Race: Top Start
Naji Boulos 2023-12-11 15:00 - Reading : 3 minute(s)
Amphibian Race port of Amchit Sevag Demerjian
Strong gusts of wind, waves with a lively, swirling energy orchestrated by the capricious autumn winds, intermittent rain followed by timid rays of sunshine — the stage was set for the launch of the first edition of Amphibian by Sevag, which took place at the port of Amchit at the end of November. Amphibian is an innovative obstacle course ...

Biathlon/Season 2023-2024: Nothing Is Certain!
Naji Boulos 2023-12-08 10:56 - Reading : 3 minute(s)
The biathlon season began in complete limbo as to who would win the crystal globe at the end of the season. Johannes Thingnes Bø and Julia Simon, the two winners of the 2022-2023 season, are suffering from either physical or psychological problems that diminished their performance in the first World Cup race in Östersund, Sweden. This situation ...