This is Beirut has reviewed a copy of the document outlining the mechanism set by the Council of Ministers for public appointments. According to Minister of Information Paul Morcos, this document is a preliminary draft that is expected to be finalized and approved by the Cabinet on Thursday. Here are the main points.
The process is primarily designed to ensure equal opportunity, transparency and merit, with particular emphasis on gender parity and the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
According to the document, this mechanism does not apply to the appointments in the leadership of the Central Bank (BDL), the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) or regulatory bodies, nor to the appointment of the Director General of the Presidency and the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers. These appointments are also expected to be made based on criteria of competence, integrity and experience.
Appointments to First-Category Positions in the Public Administration
Vacant positions in the top category of the public administration are first offered to second-category civil servants who meet the necessary qualifications. The President of the Civil Service Council, in collaboration with other supervisory bodies such as the Central Inspection and the Court of Auditors, compiles the list of eligible candidates.
Before candidates are shortlisted, their backgrounds are thoroughly checked to identify any disciplinary sanctions or judicial rulings that could affect their eligibility.
Once this initial selection is completed, a committee composed of the relevant minister, the Minister of State for Administrative Development and the President of the Civil Service Council is tasked with evaluating the candidates' qualifications, experience and suitability for the position.
The shortlisted candidates are then called for an evaluation interview to further assess their skills and their suitability for the responsibilities of the role.
Finally, a detailed report is submitted to the Prime Minister, who then presents it to the Council of Ministers for the final decision.
If no suitable candidate within the cadre is identified, a similar procedure is initiated to recruit candidates from outside.
Appointment of General Directors, Members and Presidents of the Boards of Public Institutions
This process follows a similar approach to that of first-category positions, with adjustments made to account for the specific needs of each institution. The minister overseeing the institution plays a central role, managing the selection process with the support of two field experts.
After a comprehensive review of the candidates' files, a committee assesses the candidates through interviews before making its recommendation, which is then submitted to the Council of Ministers for the final decision.
Electronic Applications and Shortlisting
An electronic system has been established to receive and filter applications based on predefined criteria. The review of applications is then facilitated by a software that enables an objective preselection, ensuring an initial sorting process based on clear and measurable parameters.
Once this automated selection is completed, the process moves forward with a manual evaluation of the shortlisted applications, followed by interviews conducted by the relevant committee to refine the assessment of candidates and identify those best suited for the available positions.
This electronic system does not apply to first-category positions within the public administration. In these cases, the process is focused on internal promotions, based on lists prepared by the Civil Service Council in coordination with other supervisory bodies.