Political Figures Call for a Sovereign Lebanon on March 14

As Lebanon commemorates the 20th anniversary of the March 14, 2005 demonstrations and the Cedar Revolution, the first to see Lebanon freed from Iranian and Syrian rule, a number of political figures have expressed their vision for the country's future.

Ibrahim Kanaan Calls for Placing the State Above Interests

The Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee, Ibrahim Kanaan, stressed the importance of putting the State above all other considerations.

In a statement published on the X platform, Kanaan said, “We must all put the State above all else, before individuals, political parties and personal interests, so that we don't miss another opportunity to build a better future.”

“Over the years, many opportunities have been lost to establish a sovereign, free, independent and stable state. These failures are the result either of regional conflicts affecting our territory or of sectarian divisions and a lack of sincere political will,” he added.

This statement comes as Kanaan calls for far-reaching reforms and insists on the need to prioritize national sovereignty to secure the country's future.


Michel Mouawad Calls for a Free and Sovereign Lebanon

Zgharta MP Michel Mouawad insisted on the need to build a free and sovereign Lebanon, also on X.

He explained that the March 14 movement represented the will of a people who had broken down sectarian barriers to free Lebanon from tutelage and occupation in order to restore its sovereignty.

Mouawad affirmed that “March 14 proved that change is possible and that corruption and collapse are not inevitable.”

He also stressed that the struggle for sovereignty and for reform are inseparable, pointing out that “there is no sovereignty without a genuine transition to the state, nor serious reform under hegemony.”

The MP concluded by affirming that his fight would continue until Lebanon became a homeland of freedom and justice for all, protected by a sovereign state and transparent institutions.


Nadim Gemayel Reaffirms Commitment to a Sovereign Lebanon

MP Nadim Gemayel reaffirmed the importance of the March 14 movement in defending Lebanon's freedom, sovereignty and independence. He stressed that this project remains essential to building a strong and free Lebanon.

In a statement on his X account, he stressed that “the March 14 project aims to build a strong, sovereign state, governed by the law, with state authority over the entire territory.”

The MP added that “the March 14 flame will remain alive as a symbol of struggle for a better future.”

Mr. Gemayel concluded “that the struggle for a free and sovereign Lebanon continues to guarantee a country of justice and stability.”


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