For Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai, recent events in Lebanon and changes in Syria have reinforced his belief in the need to achieve Lebanon's neutrality.
“The constitution of a neutral state will deter foreign ambitions, and Lebanon needs these measures to regain its independence and sovereignty,” said the Maronite patriarch on Wednesday from Bkerke during his Christmas homily.
“Neutrality does not erect a wall between Lebanon, its neighbors, and the world, but rather modifies its role and activates it by making it a partner in finding solutions,” Rai stressed.
On the other hand, the prelate expressed his “impatient” hope that a “qualified and unifying president” could be elected on January 9, 2025 during the parliamentary session scheduled for this purpose, after a vacuum at the head of the Lebanese state that has lasted since October 31, 2022.
“We hope that a qualified president will create internal unity, activate state institutions and communicate with influential countries,” he said, adding, the president to be “will also have to implement decentralization and reforms.”