Caretaker Minister of Public Works and Transport Ali Hamieh announced on his X account that a new public transport bus line will be launched on Wednesday as part of an ongoing plan to expand the public bus network.
The route will start from Nahr al-Mott and pass through key locations, including Sassine Square, AUST University, Hôtel-Dieu and Adlieh, among other stops.
استكمالًا لخطة تسيير حافلات النقل المشترك، سيُصار يوم غد صباحًا إلى إطلاق خط جديد ينطلق من نهر الموت مرورا بساحة ساسين والجامعة الاميركية اللبنانية ومستشفى أوتيل ديو إلى العدلية والعديد من المحطات. pic.twitter.com/UbkXYnyYRu
— Ali Hamie | علي حمية (@alihamie_lb) December 17, 2024
On March 10, 2024, Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and former French Minister for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari signed a memorandum of understanding in which France agreed to donate 50 buses to Lebanon.
These buses, previously part of Paris’ public transport system, were shipped to the Port of Beirut on May 23.